The Fast Legs post-ride guide for cyclists
You've slayed your KOM, uploaded your data to Strava, peeled off your kit that seems 50kg heavier due to being embedded with your hours of sweat.
Hit the shower!
Job done!
Well ... there's a few small things you could do that would ensure your body will reflect the effort you just put out, and you will look as incredible as you feel.
The Fast Legs post-ride recovery guide:-
1) Hit the shower - but don't make it too hot.
2) Use Fast Legs Antibacterial Body Wash. It is formulated to significantly reduce bacteria, and helps with saddle sores.
3) Your face - despite what are amazing goggles - has probably been slathered with suncream and been taking the brunt of the sun, wind, grime and sweat for hours. Guess what? Shampoo and body washes are often dreadful for your face. Take care of your skin and remove all the grime with Fast Legs Face Clean.
4) Step out, get dry!
5) Keep your face looking as good as it feels with Fast Legs Recovery Face Gel. Your skin will drink it up faster than you would a cold beer after you've ridden the Tourmalet.
6) And your eyes - your poor eyes stinging from all that sweat and fear of a falling FTP - they will need a small amount of Eye Cream.
7) You're done. You've repaired yourself, you look amazing - nearly better than you feel.
Unlike your poor kit.
Your kit needs help and before you go on your merry way with your day - get that kit off the bathroom floor, into the wash bag, into the machine, with a a dose of Fast Legs Kit Wash (launching soon). It's specially formulated to get all the gunk your body has outlayed out of your kit, so it can be ready for you next time.